Our Youth Ministry Team is a group of adults as well as teens who have received Confirmation led by our Youth Minister, Ann Marie Simonson.
The primary aim of adolescent catechesis is to guide youth toward maturity in Catholic Christian faith as a living reality. We seek to help them develop their own personal faith identity through their response to God in faith, in prayer, in values, and in behavior. We also foster in youth a communal identity as a sense of belonging to the whole Christian community and the responsibilities that one must accept to be a follower of Christ.
The maturing adolescent is developing an appreciation for and knowledge of the Catholic Christian tradition and its application to life in today’s complex society. Christian faith means a commitment to a life of service modeled on Jesus’ life and working for justice and peace on the personal, interpersonal and social/political levels.
All of this is done using a variety of age-appropriate materials and activities. The Youth Ministry Team uses videos, presentations, hands-on projects and small-group interaction that both engages and challenges teens. Teens will develop important basic skills of gospel living and moral decision-making while learning what Scripture and tradition teaches about each topic.
Personal and group prayer is also a regular part of the faith formation experience. Each session includes prayer and at various times during the year the teens are gathered for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament to pray as a group.
There is simply no substitute for regular active participation in the Mass. The documents of the Second Vatican Council refer to our celebration of the Eucharist as “the source and summit” of all that we do. The Mass calls us to be disciples of Jesus Christ, nourishes us for that task and then sends us forth to practice our faith in the coming week. We are never too young or too old to worship.
Registration forms for the 2023-24 school year will be mailed at the beginning of September to those previously enrolled in our Faith Formation program.
If you are new to the parish or would like more information about our Youth Ministry program please contact Ann Marie Simonson at 518-848-1986 or email nosnomis3@yahoo.com or click here to fill out an online form.