
Confirmation is celebrated in May and the candidate must be at least 15 years old at the time of Confirmation. The Candidate must also have attended Youth Ministry for the year before they receive the sacrament (typically 9th grade) as well as the year they receive (typically 10th grade).

Sponsor for Confirmation

In the Fall of that year the candidate for Confirmation should begin thinking about who will be their sponsor at Confirmation. The following qualifications are necessary for someone to be a sponsor:

  1. The person must be at least 16 years old and have been fully initiated into the church through the reception of the three sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. In addition the person must be a practicing Catholic.
  2. According to Canon law (#874), the sponsor has to be someone other than the candidate’s parents.
  3. The sponsor should be someone who could be available to talk or write to the candidate on a regular basis during time of preparation. It is recommended that the sponsor accompany the candidate to some of the special events leading up to Confirmation.

If the candidate selects as a sponsor a person who does not live in the immediate area, a proxy or stand-in should also be selected to be an immediate resource to meet with as needed. Remember the proxy should be a practicing Catholic.

Service Ministry

Each candidate is required to complete at least 5 hours of community service.Service ministry does not have to be performed within the Holy Spirit Faith Community. It can be done in school or in our local communities as well. Don’t wait until the last minute to think about this. Service is one of the most important ways in which we live out our faith and it can’t be taught from a book. Besides, it makes us feel good …honest!

Preparation for the Sacrament 

Attendance at regular Youth Ministry sessions on Sunday evenings beginning in 9th grade. The Sacrament in celebrated in 10th Grade.

  • 6 hour Confirmation Class outside of regular Sunday night classes 
  • Signing of the Book of Confirmandi 
  • April - service ministry hours must be completed
  • Confirmation is celebrated in May at the Auriesville Shrine (as determined by the Bishop)

Please contact the Ann Marie Simonson at 518-848-1986 or Email if you would like more information about Confirmation or to use our online form click here.

If you would like to learn more about the Sacrament of Confirmation please click here.

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